en  |  Fr - Oktober 9, 2020 10:30
Lando was prelimed hips and elbows with an excellent prognosis  Mehr
en  |  Mi - Oktober 7, 2020 8:23
Karlson passes his endurance test with Erik handling and Mandy Menzel judging in Hochheim
en  |  So - August 2, 2020 20:45
We took the first official photos of our young male Lando   Mehr
en  |  Mo - July 13, 2020 14:13
Lotta is in whelp by Udro   Mehr
en  |  Do - Juni 4, 2020 14:59
Lotta is covered by Udro Team Panoniansee.  Mehr
en  |  Fr - Mai 22, 2020 9:17
Krümel is sold to the USA in whelp  Mehr